It was a night of some weird dreams... well, maybe not weird but it certainly says what is on my mind recently.
We've been trying to decide if we need to change the room where we have KidZone worship because we will probably start to have more kids in a couple of weeks. So last night I dreamed that we could use the old fellowship hall - which doesn't exist anymore!!! So much for that idea. And then I dreamed that I brought a stack of work home because I was freaking out about VBS and KidZone worship. OK, that will probably come true if I can get Charlie to take me to church to get it all.
I can smell breakfast cooking... Ohhhhh... those pancakes. I'm telling you... CW's are the best in the world.
Meredith might disagree...she calls Andy's "Daddy's FAMOUS pancakes!
But she's never had Mr. Charlies ICHIBAN pancakes!
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