Wednesday, May 27, 2009


The days are getting better... less pain... fewer naps... able to work. I spent the day on Boomerang Express, VBS 2009, except for lunch. At times, it was frustrating because I didn't have everything I needed at home and then it couldn't be found at church. No, I didn't go there... Dale tried to find things for me. Thankfully, Ken has what I need until I find mine so he was gracious enough to let me borrow it. Anyway, I made some good progress today.

Kristi was sweet and brought lunch today. She and the lovely Miss M, along with the funny Mr. C, stayed and had lunch with me. We had a good time!! Being the Moppy of a grandson, there were plenty of cars and balls to play with. Miss M enjoyed the very noisy dinosaur that Keith had brought to the hospital for the grandkids.
Charlie grilled a hot dog for dinner tonight. And for those of you who don't know him as well - that is a big deal. He HATES hot dogs. He could not understand how I could even want one but he put them together anyway - just for me. He's sweet that way!! Of course, now that he has won Miss M's contest, he might think he's the top dog! We watched Night at the Museum. I really didn't think I would enjoy it but Malikas suggested it and since there was nothing on TV tonight, we decided to give it a try. It was cute... and fun! Now I want to see Night at the Museum 2.
I can't believe it... 7 days 18 hours 41 minutes... and counting!!!

1 comment:

Cupcake Mama said...

So glad you got the goofball picture posted! Thanks for letting us "entertain" you a little today...we all miss you!