Sunday, May 31, 2009


You've heard the saying "give her an inch and she'll take a mile"? That's sort of how I felt on Saturday. The doctor gave me an inch and I took a mile and I paid for it. But I did get a lot of shopping done for VBS. Thank goodness for those painkillers.

Sammy and Lizzie came for a visit on Saturday evening. Pictures are posted on Facebook but here are a few favorites...

I went to church this morning but only for about an hour. I really needed to talk to some folks about VBS and Wednesday night. This week I plan to go back to work half-days. It'll be nice to be back and there is plenty to be done with VBS only 2 weeks away.

Kayla is helping with Sports Crusaders on Monday in East St. Louis so she came here from Bolivar to spend the night. It's always nice to have her visit. We decided to go to Ted Drewes for dinner. :-)

Pray for my week - lots to do but still need to "take it easy".

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