Sunday, May 24, 2009


I should be at church... I feel like something isn't quite right when I sit on my bed on a Sunday morning. I did watch a worship service from my sister's church. Her family attends Hilldale Baptist in Clarksville, TN. They include their entire service - music, too. It was nice. The service was a very worshipful blended service. I like the way transitions were made so smoothly and no time was spent on "extras", including annoucements. I guess they assume people can read. :-) I did not get to hear their pastor because they had a guest speaker so maybe another time. If you have to be home on a Sunday morning, they broadcast at 9 am and 10:30 am... And in case you're wondering what kind of PBC supporter I am, I did try to listen to Pastor's sermon but nothing was being broadcast, according to my computer.

Charlie is home now and I can smell George's cowboy potatoes in the oven. Yummy!! I can't wait.

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