The good part about about being confined to home for a couple of weeks is the time available to think about things. Things that are close to my heart but don't always get enough attention. While recuperating I read an article about the impact of a vision on one's ministry. So I began to think about the vision for our KidZone children's ministry. Do we have a vision? Do I have a vision but don't communicate it very well? How important is a vision? Andy Stanley, one of America's foremost church leaders, defines vision as "a clear mental picture of what could be, fueled by the conviction that it should be." A vision could drive us to more and bigger things. But more importantly, what kind of impact would this vision have for our children's ministry if we embraced it and invested in it and thought about it's Kingdom impact? Even the Bible tells us that people without a vision will perish. How would we articulate this vision? How would we make sure that people would see it, experience it, understand it and invest in it? We want to have purpose... to focus on the future... to be invigorating. The article I read talked about having a brand. What is our brand? One way to get that across is through our website. We live in a media savvy culture so as we consider our vision, we need to decide how to make it clear. Is our vision as simple as the acrostic for HEART that we have on our children's wing wall and our brochure? It could be but what are we doing to focus on it?
Now you may be asking... who or what is this "we"? It will start with the leadership of our KidZone Ministry and that means our Children's Ministry Team. We will begin to focus on this aspect of our ministry. I will post this article on our website after we've done some redesigning of our page. I would love to have input from others even if you're not currently serving on CMT. There will be more about "vision" in the weeks to come.