Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Nine kids and 3 sponsors left Monday morning for Centri-Kid at SBU in Bolivar. It's a week-long camp for those who have completed 3rd-6th grade. It's the home of OMC - Organized Mass Chaos and the kids love it!! Please pray for the rest of their week.

Wow! Can you believe this July weather? When was the last time you remember several days in July of 70 degree weather?

Summer is coming to a close way too quickly. I spent the day preparing for the new church year - Sunday School, Awana, new safety & security procedures, Children's Ministry Team - hard to believe it's time to restart all that again.

Had to go by the doctor's office on Monday morning to have some blood drawn. Supposedly, I'm supposed to have it done every 3 months and the last time was February... oops!!

Celebrations in order for Wednesday - My baby sister has a birthday! Jason & Jenny celebrate an anniversay - #9, I think.

40th anniversary of man walking on the moon for the first time was Monday. I was sitting in a hotel restaurant in Japan. My dad had been transferred and we had just arrived, waiting for a house. And as someone said on Facebook... yes, that makes me old as dirt!!

To pray about: my mom is feeling better after breaking 4 ribs but is still having some pain; Jenny is expecting baby #3 and is really not feeling too well these days; Masha has a doctor's appointment... pray for good results from her scan; Awana looks like it may be another big year and more leadership is needed, especially with our 3rd-6th grade girls; new Sunday School teachers will be needed starting in September. God is good!!

1 comment:

Cupcake Mama said...

at least they didn't say older THAN dirt!