Sunday, July 05, 2009


Life is always... exciting... surprising... when Chris comes home. He shared with us one of his recent "science experiments"... plastic bottle, aluminum foil, Works toilet bowl cleaner. Put the foil and cleaner in a plastic bottle and throw it far away... and kaboom!!! And here is the result of the ka-boom...

For the first time in several years, we braved the crowds and went downtown for the fireworks. And it was worth it... an incredible show. According to a recent news report, St. Louis was #5 in the country for their fireworks, beating Chicago and New York City. Oh yeah!!!! It was great fun to be there with Malikas - her first 4th of July celebration with us... and to be with Sara - our first 4th with her in several years. Prior to the fireworks, it was our annual Independence Day dinner at Greg and Bug's... and as always... DELICIOUS food!!

Earlier in the week was spent working and at Cardinal games. On Tuesday night, Malikas and Charlie had tickets to the suite that Charlie's company buys tickets for. Bug and I had great seats, too... a few rows up from the Cardinal dugout. It wasn't Carpenter's night and we lost the game but the company was fun and the view was incredible.

On Thursday night, we headed to the ballpark again and enjoyed another fun Cardinal game... and a win!!

Got a phone call from Dad on Monday evening - usually a bad sign and this time was no different. He left a voice mail... "This is Dad. Just wanted to let you know about your mom. Bye." Arrrggghhhh!!!! I immediately called him back and learned that my mom had broken 3 ribs... falling at church. Not much to be done about broken ribs except to control the pain. I spoke with my mom later in the week and she told me she had broken 4 ribs. She was feeling some better but has to sleep sitting up in a chair. She's getting out of a bed is one of the most painful things right now. She also found out she's allergic to Motrin... it was beginning to affect her kidneys. Pray for my mom!

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