Friday, July 31, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Mornings... Blech! Blech! & Kid's Thoughts... Fun! Fun!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Wow! Can you believe this July weather? When was the last time you remember several days in July of 70 degree weather?
Summer is coming to a close way too quickly. I spent the day preparing for the new church year - Sunday School, Awana, new safety & security procedures, Children's Ministry Team - hard to believe it's time to restart all that again.
Had to go by the doctor's office on Monday morning to have some blood drawn. Supposedly, I'm supposed to have it done every 3 months and the last time was February... oops!!
Celebrations in order for Wednesday - My baby sister has a birthday! Jason & Jenny celebrate an anniversay - #9, I think.
40th anniversary of man walking on the moon for the first time was Monday. I was sitting in a hotel restaurant in Japan. My dad had been transferred and we had just arrived, waiting for a house. And as someone said on Facebook... yes, that makes me old as dirt!!
To pray about: my mom is feeling better after breaking 4 ribs but is still having some pain; Jenny is expecting baby #3 and is really not feeling too well these days; Masha has a doctor's appointment... pray for good results from her scan; Awana looks like it may be another big year and more leadership is needed, especially with our 3rd-6th grade girls; new Sunday School teachers will be needed starting in September. God is good!!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Trips to Ted Drewes are always "necessary" in St. Louis. We met Jason and family there one evening and were continuously entertained by the kids.
Conversation with Sammy... Moppy: Sammy, your ice cream has melted. Let's throw it away. Sammy: No, that's OK... I'll just drink it!!!
Masha got an orange slushie for all of us to share... so thinks Sammy & Lizzie.
Ring around the roses... pocket full of posies... ashes, ashes, we all fall down!!
I decided Masha needed to visit the birthplace of Mark Twain so on Wednesday afternoon we headed for Hannibal. We took the scenic route (thank you, Keith) - the Great River Road on the way up. We stopped along the way for some great views of the Mighty Mississippi.
A ride on the Mark Twain riverboat was the first order of the afternoon.
And at the request of Jasper... Huck Finn hats. No trip to Hannibal would be complete without them.
Is Masha trying to break into Mark Twain's boyhood home? And I'm sure she's hoping for someone to paint that fence so she doesn't have to do it.
On Saturday, it was a day with the grandkids. The weather was iffy so we headed for fun at The Mills.
After a walk through Cabela's, car races and lunch, Charlie asked what I wanted to do next. I said, "It's time for the Cardinal game. Why don't we go home and watch it?" Sammy: "Actually, it's not time for the Cardinal game so let's stay here." But we did go to the Cardinal store to get the kids their Cardinal hats. As we were walking towards the exit, Sammy says, "Hey, time for ice cream!"
Sara arrived safely back home after a week with the Mission Raleigh team. And she's going to be around until Monday morning when she leaves with our Centri-Kid group for Bolivar.
We are having some great weather in St. Louis... especially for July. Sara loves the fact that we've turned off the air conditioning. She's been cold ever since she got home from Nigeria... especially when she's in an air-conditioned building.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Pray for Sara and the other sponsors and youth from Parkway as they are in Raleigh, NC on a mission trip. Sara was home for 5 whole weeks before heading out for mission work again. :-) They will be ministering to inner city kids this upcoming week.
Masha leaves Monday to go back home. :-( I will miss her... terribly. It doesn't take long to get used to having her here.
Sports Crusaders will be here this week for our basketball camp... busy and fun week!!
Sunday, July 05, 2009
For the first time in several years, we braved the crowds and went downtown for the fireworks. And it was worth it... an incredible show. According to a recent news report, St. Louis was #5 in the country for their fireworks, beating Chicago and New York City. Oh yeah!!!! It was great fun to be there with Malikas - her first 4th of July celebration with us... and to be with Sara - our first 4th with her in several years. Prior to the fireworks, it was our annual Independence Day dinner at Greg and Bug's... and as always... DELICIOUS food!!
Earlier in the week was spent working and at Cardinal games. On Tuesday night, Malikas and Charlie had tickets to the suite that Charlie's company buys tickets for. Bug and I had great seats, too... a few rows up from the Cardinal dugout. It wasn't Carpenter's night and we lost the game but the company was fun and the view was incredible.
On Thursday night, we headed to the ballpark again and enjoyed another fun Cardinal game... and a win!!
Got a phone call from Dad on Monday evening - usually a bad sign and this time was no different. He left a voice mail... "This is Dad. Just wanted to let you know about your mom. Bye." Arrrggghhhh!!!! I immediately called him back and learned that my mom had broken 3 ribs... falling at church. Not much to be done about broken ribs except to control the pain. I spoke with my mom later in the week and she told me she had broken 4 ribs. She was feeling some better but has to sleep sitting up in a chair. She's getting out of a bed is one of the most painful things right now. She also found out she's allergic to Motrin... it was beginning to affect her kidneys. Pray for my mom!