Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Zia's Fun

Our restaurant of choice to celebrate our anniversary... and to celebrate Sara being home... was Zia's on the Hill. Yummmm... pasta. The pasta picture is Sara's bowl after she ate for 30 minutes! And she moved it around to make it look like she had eaten more than she had. :-)
I'm feeling stronger every day and thankful for being able to get things done in a timely manner. Boomerang Express - VBS 2009 - starts on Sunday evening so that will be the real test. I'm so incredibly grateful for two wonderful directors in Cheryl and Janet and for all of our teachers and helpers. 4 days... 21 hours... and counting... Yes, I will be ready!!

Malikas comes for a visit in 8 days! Woo-hoo!!!!

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