Sunday, June 14, 2009


Boomerang Express left the station... with all the craziness that comes with the first night of VBS. We're going down under with a reminder that "it all comes back to Jesus." No injuries, no lost kids, no BIG surprises... However we did have one very small surprise... a mouse. Yep, one of God's furry little creatures paid a visit... right outside fellowship hall. He/she was finally captured and sent to "mouse heaven".

Everything went well for the first night. As you can see, Sara and I had a great time!!

On Friday, the doctor released me. Woo-hoo!! Having energy is still a problem but he said to expect that for a bit longer. Of course, with VBS this week, there's not much chance of having any energy anyway by the time it's over. But that's OK... vacation next week!!!!

Malikas comes Thursday... can't wait... 3 days... 16 hours... and counting!!!!!

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