Friday, February 26, 2010


Precious is not a word I use very often... takes something really special and really sweet for me to call it/him/her precious... but I'm not sure there's another word to use for this picture of our granddaughter. Looking up the word precious you'll find... of great value; dear; beloved; darling... and there is no better way to describe this newest bundle in our lives. Eleanor (Nora) Grace Wescoat was born Wednesday, February 24 at 2:03 pm, weighing 9 lbs. 2 oz, 21 inches long. She came a week early but with that weight, it's probably a good thing for mom. Her big sister, Lizzie, jumped up and down with her hands in the air when she heard it was a girl. She also gave her a name before Mom & Dad did... Pinkalicious! My nephew, Kurt, was glad to hear later that it was Nora. He thought a 4-letter name would be easier if she had to learn to spell her name before getting out of kindergarten. :-) Sammy, her big brother, said "I wanted a boy" but as soon as he saw her he said, "She's so cute!" And he says it's OK that he has another little sister. Jason and Jenny are just the best parents. And how these young moms do it all, I have no idea. As we get older we forget what it's like to have preschoolers underfoot 24/7. It sure was an easier job 22 years ago... and as Jason reminded me, I had him to help out. (He's 7 years older than Sara.) So after having Sammy & Lizzie for 3 days, I'm exhausted. I took a long nap this afternoon after they left and could probably use another one. :-)

If you enjoy reading blogs, try Rebekah's "Sweet Tea with Lemon" ( She will make you smile, laugh, cry and think.

TWIML (This Week in Moppy's Life)...

Sitting: on my bed, especially since I may need another nap at any moment. :-)

Waiting: for Charlie to get home from work... dinner at Gulf Shores Seafood Grill tonight.

Glad: for a brand new granddaughter. (One of these days, I'll share the whole being a grandma story.)

Needing: time this week to be sure I stay caught up since I leave for vacation on March 8. Woo-hoo!!!!

Reading: "Crazy Love" and doing a study guide with Keith. Also reading "In the Secret Place" and will finish "Truth Seeker" on my trip. I will; I will; I will. I just don't have enough time to read fiction anymore.

Avoiding: cleaning Masha's room. Sammy & Lizzie were in there the past 3 days and Kayla will be staying there on Wednesday (I think. I'd better get in touch with her and find out if she's staying.)

Enjoyed: holding Nora... watching Sammy & Lizzie respond to her...

Preparing: for a trip to the Isle of Man... won't come soon enough.

Drinking: a diet Coke.

Snacking: don't do much of that these days... "enjoying" a low carb diet.

Trying: to be sure everything is ready for our annual Upward Awards Night.

Ending: the Upward season on Saturday with games and Sunday with the Awards celebration.

And as I finish this blog post, remember these thoughts from Rick Warren:

"The Bible says that Jesus was full of grace and truth. Truth is not a principle. Truth is a person; truth is Jesus Christ.

One of the clearest and best-known statements by Jesus is: "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me." (John 14:6, NLT)

Notice Jesus says, "I am the truth ...." He doesn't say truth is a religion, or a ritual, or a set of rules and regulations. He says "I." Truth is a person."

Sunday, February 21, 2010


We all know that kids say the darndest things... and they are usually incredibly funny. Well, here's a couple of recent quotes from those cute little grand-kids of mine.

Sammy & Lizzie are in the car with Sara and me and I say to Sara: "Call Dad and see what he's doing. Then we'll decide if we're going home or if we're going to run some errands." Sammy: "We're going to run errands?" Me: "Yes". Sammy: "Oh, why don't we walk some errands?" Yeah, why do we "run" errands. :-)

We're driving through our neighborhood and Lizzie sees the little lake. Lizzie: "Look, there's some water. I wish I was a duck so I could play in the water." Me: "What does a duck say?" Lizzie: "Quack! Quack!" Sammy: "If I was a duck I'd say AFLAC! AFLAC!"

I just wish I could remember everything they say...

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Since my last post that's what I've been doing... going to meetings, celebrating birthdays, winding up Upward (or is that winding down?).

There is a group of churches trying to put together a St. Louis World Cup... enlisting soccer teams from as many different countries as possible for a tournament and then sharing the gospel with them. Not a bad idea... actually a very good idea and seems to fit in with the goals of the Samaria Team at PBC. But the timing is bad for me - happening right around the time of VBS. Hoping someone else from PBC will take this on.

Our monthly MOPS Steering Team meeting was... interesting? Surprising? A blindside? There seems to be some discontent from one of the members... but I think it's only one and I didn't really understand everything she was talking about. I'm sure it'll be fine though.

Our 6th week of Upward is finished. Can't believe there are only 2 more Game Days. Seems like only yesterday we were doing Evaluations. Overall it's been a good year - some glitches but hey, we're dealing with people... what can you expect? Really looking forward to our Awards Night on February 28.

Attended Sammy's birthday party on Saturday night. I can't believe he turned 5 on February 17. The last 5 years have flown by. I love being Moppy! He is so much fun to be with... and so smart... and just as sweet as they come. He has a watch now and is happy to tell you what time it is every 30 seconds.

Our neighbor across the street died last week. He was 82 and suffered a heart attack. We try to look after them. Sara and I went by the funeral home to pay our respects. Now we'll do what we can to look after his wife.

Our KidZone Worship leaders are the best! Jennie, Kendra, Kim, Sara, Teresa and I were invited to the home of a couple of our kids. The youngest insisted on having us over for dinner. We were all able to make it on the same night - amazing - and we had a great time! It was very sweet of this young family to entertain us for the evening.

Saddle Ridge Ranch, VBS 2010 is off and running. I met with my directors, Janet & Cheryl, and they are set to start recruiting volunteers. We've made it possible to volunteer online this year. Just go to and click on the link. Well, it's not there yet but it will be soon. We've already had several volunteer and that is always an exciting way to start. So saddle up and let's get riding to Saddle Ridge Ranch.

Charlie's sister, Shirley, had a birthday this week. We went to dinner with her and a sister from Atlanta, and a sister & brother-in-law from Brentwood. And as usual there were lots of laughs!

Another big Awana night this week... not sure how many yet but the circle was full of kids... love it, love it!! Looking around the room and seeing all those smiling kids and knowing that they are hiding God's Word in their hearts every week. Gives me goosebumps! One of our high school Sunday School teachers told me recently that some of her girls mentioned knowing a verse because they had learned it in Awana. Our oldest son who is 33 still quotes verses that he learned while in Awana... and now his kids are doing the same. Next week is "Backwards Night"... can't wait to see some of the antics of the clubbers.

Loving the Olympics... GO USA!!! And remember to pray for Jeff Wells, former student minister at PBC, who is there sharing the gospel with everyone he sees - I can guarantee it.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010


Jaunt: a short journey, esp. one taken for pleasure... After a jaunt last week to Washington DC, I was tired, cold, and happy. Masha and her husband, Chris, had been there "on holiday" for a week. I boarded American Airlines on Tuesday evening. Of course, they met me at the airport and we had dinner there at Friday's. It was great to see them! Then it was the metro to their hotel downtown.

Wednesday started with a trip to the Holocaust Museum... a memorial to the millions who were murdered during the Holocaust. I was quickly reminded of a trip to Poland where we visited Auschwitz and Birkenau... heartbreaking does not even begin to describe the time there. Then it was a walk to the Washington Monument and a late lunch at the oldest restaurant in DC - Old Ebbit Grill. More pictures were in order at dusk of the Monument again as well as the Capital Building. Back at the hotel it was time to put our feet up... watch some TV and relax. After breakfast on Thursday we headed for the White House... an attempt at going up in the Washington Monument... and a couple of museums. And then it was back to the airport on Thursday evening... missing the worst snow storm in DC ever. Masha and Chris were stranded there for over 48 hours. A jaunt? Yes! Time well spent? Certainly! And looking forward to more than a couple of days with Malikas later in March.

My Saturdays in January and February are consumed with Upward. Five good weeks completed... hard to believe Upward is more than half over. It's been a good season! Always a few bumps but nothing insurmountable. We have a great group of coaches and referees this year. We are anticipating an exciting Awards Night on Sunday, February 27 with Steve Taylor - illusionist/ventriloquist.

Anticipation is rising as we wait for the birth of our third grandchild this month. Keep posted for the big news!