Thursday, July 14, 2011


Day 3 = Wednesday...

Morning quiet time...
Can't get enough of Ninja...
Fallen Ninjas...
After swim hair... :-)
PBC's turn at the pool... a great way to cool off...
Front row for worship...
Olivia's name went up on the screen, so she got to play a game on stage...
Mr. Jake shows off his Ninja skills...
Can you tell that Ninja is a big hit here?
Run, Sarah, run...
Rec time...
Rec time...
Outdoor games track...
Always smiling...
Olivia taking Babysitting 101...
Sarah with PBC's church group leader, Teesha...she's awesome!
Lindsey during volleyball track...
More Rec...

1 comment:

StarCMC said...

THANK YOU for posting all the pictures!!