Monday, August 16, 2010


Some of us don't like getting up when one has to... so I certainly wasn't interested in getting up at 5:30 a.m. for a fishing trip while on vacation... even though I love fishing. So I sent Charlie and Malikas off with a guide with my blessing! And here is an idea of what they came home with...

One of the first catches of the day...
Doing the trout victory dance...
Charlie decides to get in on the action...
And later that morning catches a very nice one...
And the winner for the biggest catch of the day...
The limit was caught and many were thrown back. And tonight they will be quite tasty when Chris joins us for dinner.


Cupcake Mama said...

Looks like a great time already!

Moppy said...

But unfortunately we have to leave Thursday morning... could use a few more days here.