Sunday, May 09, 2010


Lord, You brought someone special to mind. I pray You will bless her for the many ways she's been a blessing. Surround her with the love of those who care so much for her. Help her to see the many ways she's touched her family and the many hearts who are blessed by her life.

God has blessed me with an incredible family... immediate and extended. My mom raised my sisters and I to love the Lord and honor God in all that we do. I've tried to do the same with my kids. They all know Him personally and that is such a joy. He has blessed me with 3 by birth (Jason, Sara & Chris), 1 by choice (Masha) and 2 by marriage (Jenny & Chris) and I am thrilled to claim them all. :-) And then He gave me 3 beautiful grandchildren... I love being Moppy to them. Thank you, Lord, for each of them and for what their lives and hearts mean to me. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy. Philippians 1:4 NIV

Friday, May 07, 2010


Are you a SAHM (stay at home mom)? If so, you have a mission field, a ministry platform and multiple ministry opportunities... check it out here.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Flooding in Tennessee - The Big Picture -

  • These are incredible pictures of the devastation caused by the flooding in Tennessee. Please remember to pray for those who lost their home and belongings. Ask God how He can use you as a result of this crisis.

Flooding in Tennessee - The Big Picture -

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How can we help? Right now, organizations are accessing the needs there but it will take thousands of volunteers in the next several months to clean-up, rebuild, and help the people of Nashville. This video is about 45 minutes but it will give you a good idea of what is happening there. The host is Ed Stetzer, head of Lifeway Research.

The Exchange with Ed Stetzer, 05-04-10 from Ed Stetzer on Vimeo.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

TWIML (This Week in Moppy's Life)

Sitting: and watching the most current "Bones" on TV... love that DVR.

Waiting: for nothing really... no one is at home except for me so I can do whatever I want... nice!

Glad: to see the sunshine after last night's storms and was glad to see a double rainbow before all the storms came... so cool... and a reminder of God's promises to us. Also very glad that Malikas has arrived home safely from Belarus.

Needing: some breakfast.

Reading: "Crazy Love" and doing the study guide with Keith. My fiction reading these days is "Protector" by Dee Henderson.

Avoiding: carbs for the most part. It's kind of a slow process but it is helping me lose weight - 11 pounds thus far... hoping it'll stay off.

Enjoyed: Family Movie Night with my little peeps including Sammy & Lizzie... but disappointed that so many signed up... and didn't come... even though we had enough food for them.

Preparing: for VBS promotion to kick it up a notch...

Drinking: Diet Pepsi

Snacking: on nothing

Trying: to learn patience and be more understanding of some things that really irk me.

Ending: another year of Children's Choirs and looking forward to their presentation on Sunday night. Cheryl Ferguson does such an incredible job... as well as all the other choir leaders.

And a few Easter pictures of those precious kids... and grandkids... :-)